Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hello mi familia! so today my MTC experience just got rocked. Every three weeks we have a group of people leave, and then a new group of people come in. So we were expecting two north american sisters, and then today come to find out that one is going to be in the Latino group because she knows a lot of Spanish, and the other one was going to be in another district but she was going to be our companion during free time and what not. Now that was shocking enough, because Hna Kubly and I have really become close these past few weeks, and to add a new person was going to be weird, even for a few hours a day. But Hna Kubly and i decided it would be fine, and we would love her no matter what. Then in the middle of our class this morning, we got introduced to our new companion, who was going to be in our class, and our companion all the time...Let´s just say it´s hard working with three people. I thought it was hard working with the wills of two people, but three people is just nuts, and we´ve only been together for a few hours. Our new companions name is Hna Kelly, and she´s from Utah. She is so full of energy, it´s shocking, and she just is so excited to be here doing the work. She also knows a ton more spanish than anyone of us, so it´s intimidating, because she is not afraid to give answers in class. Everyone in our district is still trying to get used to the new personality. I think the Lord has sent Hna Kelly to teach me and my companion love, and patience, and understanding, and i don´t know. These last three weeks here are going to be interesting. Please pray that this companionship will work out. I know it will, but it´s hard to see that when i´m so stressed out.

So life here is going pretty good. Slowly but surely spanish is coming. We just learned Subjunctive and Direct and Indirect Object and i think my head is going to explode. Seriously, i don´t think i can fit anymore spanish into my head!

So you know how we go out proselyting every saturday? Well last week, we went out, and we were able to make three appointments for this Saturday!!!! Three appointments! we are so scared!!!! Oh my goodness. Now we are preparing ourselves to teach them, and hopefully they will be able to feel the spirit. I´m so excited though. Please pray that their hearts might be softened to our message. Their names are Norma, Emilio and Maria. It is going to be interesting, especially now that we have a third person that we are working with.

Well life at home sounds as though it´s going pretty well. Good, that´s what i like to hear. I pray for you all every day. Did Prop 101 pass? How are the wards doing? Anything exciting?

I am so relieved to hear that my FBI clearance came through. So many prayers have been said, hoping that it would come. I did not want to stay here any longer than i had to. I´m getting serious cabin fever here!

Well I just want to say that I know this church is true. I know that the Lord sends us trials in our life to make us stronger, and that He won´t send us anything we cannot handle. Please pray for our appointments this weekend, pray that I may have patience, and pray that I can be prepared for the day when I leave the MTC. I love you all and I miss you!

XOXO Hermana Grow

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